Thursday, March 18, 2021

Two Short of Perfect

Me. Him. Claire. Sash.

I mean, there's room in the bed for Het and Aers to fit too, if Aers weren't breaking my damn heart with her damn broken back. But I guess we had some psychic understanding that even just the three of us would wear the boy out.

He overdid it, for sure.

But here's to overdoing it the best way to overdo it if you're going to.

Mmm, damn.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Decisively NOT.

I've been informed I must blog about something tonight or I'll be the odd woman out amongst those of us with our own blogs.

And why would being the odd one out motivate me, exactly?

Honestly, I can't even.

Once in a Blue Moon ...

Photoshoots have not been a steady hobby of mine for ... well, ever. But the last few years they've been even less frequent, so it was n...