Wednesday, May 4, 2022

A Talent for Making Mockeries

You know, I'm such a fucking amazing geyser of sarcasm, I can't even write a self-shaming blog post about not writing enough blog posts. I mean, I come here, and I comment on my unimpeachably perfect girlfriend's delicious posts, and I look at my archive and see a sad decline from not-very-many to damn-almost-none entries, and I start working myself up to write a self-motivational post about how I've got to do better ...

And what does it sound like?

Just like I'm lampooning Ariel or dear Claire for all the times they've chastised themselves along those lines.

Literally, I cannot razz the ridiculous Elle DeBelle Worthy over how inept she is at maintaining this blog without it coming across as a snarky parody of their sincere musings on that subject.

I don't know if that means I need to work harder at blogging genuine emotions, or pack it in and just skewer everyone and everything with unbridled abandon.

Fuck you, Internet. Who asked you to hold up a mirror for my daft addiction to speaking in irony?

I have an occasional streak of gleeful sadism.

Our boyfriend had to go off to work this morning (a rarity, since he always works from home), and after a round of very sincere and loving s...