Saturday, July 30, 2022


I've been on the body a pretty damn long time, and frankly, it's not getting me any. I think this may be the worst time-on-body to number-of-fucks ratio I've ever had.

(I'm talking hetero fucks here. Ariel's all over me at the drop of a hat, obviously. Goddamn, that girl is dependable.)

Just absolutely not enough dick in me around here lately, people.

Are there reasons? Yeah. Sure. The "reasons-schmeasons" kind of reasons.

I'm giving it one more week.

Then I get bossy.

And then? Mister, you better be ready. 

I have an occasional streak of gleeful sadism.

Our boyfriend had to go off to work this morning (a rarity, since he always works from home), and after a round of very sincere and loving s...